Friday, June 11, 2010

The donation double charge

Dear place I chose to donate money to;

I donated out of the goodness of my heart. Partially to help you and your cause, as I believe in what you are doing and seriously want you to succeed.* However, when you double charge me, which causes me to fly off the handle into a tail spin as I am seriously over spent due to recent events that shall remain nameless. I need you to understand that I am unable to control the heart palpitation's and can potentially go into shock, which will cause me to have a heart attack, and die. This shock of course is increased when I call and request to have someone look into this for me and the individual says 'I do not have your name in our system'. This, my dear friends, is not the correct response to someone who has so nicely donated to you and now has been screwed by your double charge actions.....

After much angst I was credited, of course a billing cycle later. Since they obviously found me in the system, as I had in fact, been charged twice. Clearly, I had received the donation cards and a "Thank You" letter for my money. And now I find it appropriate that I should get a "sorry we screwed you up, royally" letter.... but here is hoping!

*Second reason for donation, that no one will admit to (except me), I do a lot of terrible things and say a lot of ornery things, I am hoping that maybe this will lessen the problems I will inevitably run into in the future....

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