FIFA has begun. UK v USA happened this past Saturday, knowing that we would be consuming alcohol we chose to take the train. Safe bet for us. On the train the inanity began. Beers were consumed. Trash was talked. Laughs were had. And ornery texts were sent and received. We got to the local bar and chose to continue down the path of beer. Knowing that I was going to be visiting my friend Spin soon, I felt that it was an acceptable way of passing the time.
While in the bar we were obviously surrounded by many others who were also drinking. I was rooting for the UK. (Lets not go there). Obviously I was the underdog in the bar.... Due to this I chose to not be too boisterous and "ornery" as an unnamed associate like to say. However, when one young (and clearly stupid) man chose to scream out ridiculous slurrs at the T.V. which obviously couldn't fight back, I got a bit worked up. I began talking loudy and potentially ready to talk throw down. Bottle in hand and ready to fling it when the guy the need arose. This unnamed associated realized that I was becoming 'ornery' and direct quote from unnamed associate "how I realized what was brewing and attached myself to your hip pocket! LOL". Fact.
No actual fight happened, and we moved on once the game was over, tie 1:1. Later in our travels this same young (and clearly stupid) man came up to us to say that he only became super extroverted and loud once he realized I was not rooting for the USA. REALLY!?!?!
Listen buddy, you were an idiot to begin with and I am indeed not impressed that you think that becoming more obnoxious is something that you need to do in order to gain attention. I think that you might need to reevluate your life skills and figure some s*** out.
Im just sayin.
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