I must attract idiots. They surround me. I feel suffocated by them. I am very logical person. Granted I tend to fly off the handle at times, all in all I am logical.
A friend of mine is 'dating' someone 14 years younger than he is. Good for him? Maybe. She is an idiot, At least she has an excuse, she is 22. She doesn't know any better. At 22 I thought I knew everything, didn't we all? I will repeat, she is an idiot!
Because technology has changed the way we communicate with one another and those under the age of 26 seem to only be able to express themselves in a text or a bbm. They facebook about their actual true lives and wonder why those reading it are in complete dismay and worried about the future of our country...
Back to the idiot. The amount of text messages he gets from her is in the triple digits, daily. I cannot comprehend what someone needs to say all day long, every day. The messaging has become so obsessive that he barely answers the phone for anyone else.
I do not question why he puts up with this strange and compulsive behavior. I just do not want to hear about it. Every time we are all hanging out, his phone compulsively goes off.
I really do worry about the state of the world. I guess we all need idiots in our lives to make us realize how sane we are. Well, how sane we are most of the time.
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