Tuesday, March 24, 2009

amy had a baby.... LOL

Scene: home 1030p
Why: I'm a stalker
Feelings: hysterical, yet anxious

Amy had a baby. Amy has been divorced for 1.3 years, which means she
was preggors shortly after her "seperation". Whore. Now I thinks it
bloody hysterical that she is now with child, unmarried, "in a
relationship" with her allegeded ex-boyfriend. Who by they way looks
like a tall immigrant with too much facial hair. Yeah, he's a hot mess
too. So, back to amy, the now divorced for a short time, knocked up
way to quick from someone else.

I had to share these awful photos to evryone who knows, amy "divorced
recently, preggors asap" even the bf will know and see, once he is
okay with the fact that his exwife has just recently had a baby!!!

He is so lucky they seperated. Clearly she's a mess.

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