I run, I live, I run....
This morning, due to the weather I had to run on a treadmill, in the gym. This is not my normal routine as I get very bored, very quick due to the lack of things to look at and divert my attention. But being the dedicated runner, aka Flo, that I am, I went to the gym to continue in the training.
I was in full speed and became thirsty, now I cannot multitask when running and therefore needed to slow down. I did so, sipped my water and attempted to begin back on my running pace. Somehow I missed a step and fell to my knee! My life flashed before my eyes, I thought about who was in the room and could save me once I was sucked under the treadmill and whipped around and around while the belt feverishly continued on the runners pace. I heard someone gasp with horror as I took the plunge and was pushed back by the high speed belt! All of a sudden I was on my side wondering if anyone saw me. I hoped that a hole would swallow me up and whisk me away, or better yet, a time machine would transport me back 13 seconds I could do it all over again. I would have never stopped for water, I would have just kept going like Flo did!
People saw. I have treadmill knee burn. Running is indeed a dangerous sport. But like Flo I kept on going. True Story.