I have decided to run a half marathon. I was not a runner before, but I mean, why not go for the gusto!
We will be adding a half mile each week to prepare for the 13 that await us in.............. LAS VEGAS!
Now you see why I want to run. Why I NEED to run. Vegas is calling....
Week 1 had a lot of bumps in the road. I needed to purchase new sneakers and verbally attacked everyone and anything in my way. It was not a happy week. I was sore, I was tired. I even worked out with my trainer on the same day I would run.
Well, those days are over. I almost died on the treadmill last week, and have since decided to separate training sessions and running. It is for my own safety and the safety of my trainer. As I almost beat her to death. Not that it was her fault, although I will place the blame... I couldn't catch my breath and then went into panic mode and seriously almost cried in the gym. Like in front of people. I held back but it was rough!!!!
Week 2, 2 miles. argh. Still tired. But accomplished a lot!I ran 1.5 miles consistently without stopping to walk. This is big strides... Soon you will be calling me Flo.
Now, week 3 has begun!
The scene: 6am. I am tried and I just woke up. I am getting dressed for my morning run of 3 miles and I am wishing that I could go back to sleep. I know that I must get this over with as the later the day gets I will make an excuse, maybe. I really want to kick my husband as he lies soundly in the bed, snoring. Not because he did anything, but just because he is still sleeping. I refrain from doing so, as I would not appreciate waking up to a kick. He is lucky, today!
I meet my running partner at the park. I have mapped out 3 miles and the only exciting thing is that it is a new route. There are actually more people at the park at this awful hour than at 8am when we go. I notice that people are actually friendly at the park at 7am. They smile, they say hello. It is not what I am used to. Living in Northern NJ, we generally do not speak to one another unless we are starting an argument, or have just gotten into a fender bender. So this is all foreign and somewhat alien like to me. But in my attempt to be one with the other runners, I go with it and 'smile and say hello with friendliness' which is what my job has taught me to do as one of our service essentials!
We walk to warm up and then the run begins...... 2 miles into it, I want to lay down and cry. I think to myself:
How am I going to do 13 of these things?
How does my cousin run 100 miles? She is
obviously crazy... I must finish. And I did. I finished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now, 2 hours later, my legs are tired. All I can think of is, I finished and I do not have to think about running for another 24 hours! Rest time...