An unnamed source recently told me that she was being watched at work.
What does this really mean?
Is her boss in love with her? Does her boss want to know her every move because her boss has nothing to do? Do 'they' enjoy the way her hair flows when she walks? I mean, come on people. What do you hope to gain from, "you are being watched". If that was me, (and it isn't because I would name myself) I would purposely do things to get into trouble. Just to see how closely they were watching. Such as, but not limited to, while in the ladies lavatory, I would facebook and twitter about nonsense as I stood near the hand dryer. I would park my car and walk AS slow as possible to see if anyone noticed. I would engage in conversations with myself to see if I would be questioned.
I will keep you updated on the saga this is "The Watched One".